The NYSNA Pension Plan Summary of Benefits

This Summary of Benefits is an outline of the pension benefits provided for participants in the New York State Nurses Association Pension Plan. The details are informational in nature and are not intended to imply coverage for a specific individual under the provisions of the Plan. Pension Plan participants should call the Plan toll-free at (877) RN BENEFITS [762-3633] or (800) 342-4324 with any questions. You also may e-mail the Plan at

View the entire Summary Plan Description.

Plan Basics & Options


Service credited to date of hire or date the employer began participating in the Plan

Credited Service

Covered employment in a bargaining unit per year:

  • 851 hours or more = 1 year of credited service
  • 651 - 850 hours = 2/3 year of credited service
  • 500 - 650 hours = 1/3 year of credited service
  • Less than 500 hours = no credited service


Five years of credited service, including at least one year of future service, equals 100% nonforfeitable vested benefit


Service credit is transferable from one participating employer to another, subject to the break in service rule and employment in a covered position


Base compensation plus experience differential

Final Average Earnings

Average earnings of the five highest earning calendar years during the last 10 years immediately prior to the participant's termination date

Benefits Formula

  • 1.6% of final average earnings times years of future service credit, plus
  • 1% of the last three years' average earnings times years of past service credit (if applicable)

Preretirement Survivor Benefit

For spouse or other named beneficiary when death occurs prior to retirement; paid as a Joint & Survivor Benefit at 50%


The Pension Plan is administered jointly by an equal number of Employer and NYSNA Trustees

Retirement Options

Normal Retirement


Lifetime benefit is available starting at age 65

Early Retirement

Unreduced Vested

Lifetime benefit is available when the participant retires from active covered employment between the ages of 60 and 64 and has at least 20 years of credited service

Reduced Vested

Lifetime benefit is available between the ages of 55 and 64, reduced by 1/2% per month for each month prior to the normal retirement date (age 65)


Available starting at age 50 with 15 years of credited service, with no reduction or waiting period. Must be receiving Social Security disability benefits. Transfers to a Normal Retirement benefit at age 65.

Five Year Certain

Automatic lifetime benefit coverage with no cost or reduction; 60 monthly payments guaranteed so that the beneficiary receives any remaining monthly payments in case of death during the first five years after pension benefits begin.

Joint and Survivor

Provides a reduced lifetime benefit.  Automatic for married participants unless waived with the spouse's written consent.  If the participant dies, the surviving spouse receives 50% or 75% of the reduced monthly benefit for his or her life.

Ten Year Certain

Allows a reduced lifetime benefit; 120 monthly payments guaranteed so that the beneficiary receives any remaining monthly payments in case of death during the first 10 years after pension benefits begin

Contingent Annuitant

Provides a reduced lifetime benefit with Five Year Certain. Beneficiary then receives payments of 50%, 66 2/3%, 75%, or 100%, as selected at retirement.